Food, well maybe
Ever since we introduced solid food to Kale back in April he has been rather luke warm about the concept. Actually he has been downright against it. He purses his lips, turns his head, makes horrible horrible faces and even grabs the spoon to wipe off all the food before putting it in his mouth. When all else fails and we still force him to taste it he spits up everything else in his stomach to display his displeasure.
We have taken two weeks off before offering again. We have tried simply putting food on his tray. We have tried pureed foods, chunky foods. The only things that hold appeal are solid solid foods, such as the entire apple he was munching on here. Nothing worked. We weren't/aren't worried but I was surprised. I thought he would be into food.
Today I went from a walk with Daphne and her daugher Sadie. We stopped to feed our babies and she pulled out some baby food while I was breasfeeding Kale. Kale was too distracted to really eat though and so Daphne offered him a bit of Sadies pureed bananas and apples. I held his hands down as the spoon approached so it wouldn't be grabbed and smeared everywhere. Then the wildest thing happened, Kale opened his mouth. Kale took food into his mouth. Kale gummed the food. Kale swallowed. Kale opened his mouth again. Daphne fed him more than he has ever eaten before.
I didn't know if it was a lightbulb that went on in his head about wanting food or if he simply liked commercial baby food more. I went home and pureed a bunch of sweet potatoes and winter squash to baby food texture and defrosted some apple sauce. I couldn't wait to show off Kale's eating abilities to Keva and he didn't disappoint.Sure he made a mess.
But as this picture shows he is taking the food into his mouth and doesn't look unhappy about it.
Our friend, and house guest, Anne was there to witness the miracle.