Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Snow in Vancouver
We woke up this morning to a big wet pile of snow and immediately bundled into our warm clothes and headed out into the white.
Here we are walking down the street, Kale was only willing to walk on the sidewalks where people had already shoveled. This was understandable as the snow almost came up to his waist.
We went for a long wet walk in Central Park. It was pretty exciting because the weight of the snow was causing trees to snap in half and thud to the ground all around us.
Kale had hated walking in the snow until we got near the duck pond and then he was all grins and arms.
We hunkered down in the snow to watch the ducks swimming until...
Someone arrived to feed the ducks and Kale got an up close and personal view of the ducks. He was absolutely intrigued and amazed.
Posted by
9:48 p.m.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Fall Colours
We headed out in the yard to rake leaves today. Kale was wearing his Newt Suit so he could play around all he wanted without getting wet.
Kale isn't too sure about walking around on these wet leaves.
Here Kale is going for the rake, he really wanted to help.
We paused for a while to play on the swing. Kale thought this was way more fun than raking.
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9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Kale Discovers Daddy's Toy
Kale seems to have observed that fun can be had with a DS and remembered where we keep/hide it. Today he squealed and screeched at the drawer until I opened it
and forcefully demanded that I open it. He wanted me to play it so it made all the fun pictures and sounds. Then he figured out that he could bang on it with the stylus and he was ready to run away with it. I managed to hide it at nap time but once I had told Keva about Kale's new interest he opened up the drawer and the joyful hysteria resumed.
Posted by
9:24 p.m.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Wet Windy Hike
For Veterans Day we headed out to the dikes of Richmond for a hike. It got a little cold with the rainy wind but we had a good time.
Posted by
9:23 p.m.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Playing at the party
A few more pictures from the Couch Baby Party.Kale in his wagon.
Kale feeding Mason a veggie booty.
Kale and Ayla chillin' on the couch.
Posted by
9:16 p.m.
Couch Babies
One year ago, almost today, we lined our babies up on the couch for a prenatal reunion picture. Most of them slept through the experience though Sadie and Sam managed to keep their eyes open.
We decided to have another reunion and this year things were a little more lively, tugging, pulling and ignoring.
Finally Ayla decided it was time to climb off the couch and Mason was ready for the experience to end.
The babies had a really good time playing in the house and we parents had a good time reconnecting now that our lives are busy (returns to work, parenting toddlers etc etc).
Posted by
9:08 p.m.
Monday, November 06, 2006
More fun with visitors
We drove out to Deep Cover for the all-important Honey's Doughnuts and had a great time browsing the stores and playing in the playground.Here is Kale posing for the camera with a very silly Moose Hat.
And here are the moms with their babies on the go. Sophia is wearing a pumpkin hat I made for her but Kale had ditched his despite the cold weather.
Posted by
10:27 p.m.
Our good friends Becky and Jason came out to visit us this weekend and brought along their daughter Sophia. It was a treat to meet her and watch her and Kale interact.
Kale wasn't particularly keen on having another baby in his space for such an extended period of time and took up hitting Sophia every chance he got. First with his hands but he progressed to hitting her with pie pans, drum sticks and basically anything he could get his hands on. There was lots of "we don't hit," "that causes owies," and "give Sophia a kiss" coming out of my mouth but it didn't seem to make a big difference. I am now wondering if this hitting is going to continue out in public or if it was simply the young Master protecting his domain.
Posted by
7:27 p.m.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
2 Babies in the Bath
Becky and I thought it would be fun to bath our two babies together. They have both always bathed with a parent in the tub but we figured two moms on the floor and a companion in the tub would work out. Boy were we wrong, or at least I was. Kale wouldn't chill out and so within 20 seconds there were 2 babies and one mama in the tub. It wasn't a smash success but we will try it again, someday. Thanks to Jason for catching this photo during their brief moments flying solo.
Posted by
9:07 p.m.