Saturday, April 28, 2007

More Please!

Strawberry shortcake wasn't a big hit with the toddlers during dinner but the bowl of strawberries had huge appeal and Steve was mobbed until Sadie got the bowl herself.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Family Fun

Keva's sister Robyn and her to-be-husband Ryan were up in Washington searching for wedding venues. We drove down to Blaine to have dinner with them during their whirlwind tour.

(I must say this picture makes all of us look short next to Ryan)

Kale and Grandpa Steve hung out with the golf carts while the rest of us chatted inside. Kale recognizes tractors in all their various shapes and sizes.


I was emailed a list, 101 Activities To Do With Your Toddler, this morning. After the first few entries, color, blow bubbles I was about to delete it when the word table leaf caught my eye. Needless to say I never realized that table leaf + couch = slide. Kale loved it and went up and down up and down until I insisted it was nap time. We modified it after these pictures were taken by putting a couch cushion under the top to make it easier for him to climb on and go down on his bum.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sand Box

The neighbour girls have been over playing with Kale this weekend, I grabbed a camera when they started burying Kale into the sandbox. Another exciting moment was when I came out and saw a completely empty sandbox, 110 pounds the sand had been shoveled into the lid.

I am glad Kale is getting some quality time with the girls before they move away next month.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Changes in the Neighbourhood


Above even the roar of the tractor that is all I have hear. The house behind ours was torn down today and Kale was equal parts enamored and scared. He clung to me quite a bit but he wanted to watch and play with his own tractors.

We are a little nervous about what is going to be built in its place but figure Kale will enjoy the construction experience.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The cutest boy

New Toys

Yesterday was a Kids Swap Meet. We were surprised to see a line up outside of the meet when we got there but the time in line passed relatively smoothly and there were lots of deals still to be had by the time we made it in.

Our biggest score was this collection of Metal Tonka trucks. Kale liked them and Keva loved them so when she agreed to give us a package discount they all came home with us.

Kale is much more attached to his new bicycle. He sought it out three times while we were at the swap meet so we decided we needed to buy it. Since then he was wanted to carry it everywhere. It was out with us all day yesterday and he was heart broken when I wouldn't let him take it inside the house. I offered him his nifty radio flyer ride on and he just cried harder. Poor Boy. I imagine we will be spending a lot of time in the yard this week.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Look Mum ~ it's noodle time

First you pick up the noodle.

Then you put the noodle in your mouth.

Then you say AAAAAAAHHHH.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Evening Wake-ups

When Kale wakes up to nurse in the evenings he used to always cry until he heard me on the stairs. Recently (3 weeks or so) he has been simply calling out Mama. Tonight was the simple word: Boobies. I have been reduced to Boobies. Boobies is his new favourite word and I hear it day in and day out. I like knowing exactly what he wants but miss the milk sign.

Easter Monday Ears

These bunny ears were purchased on my way out of town to drive to Eitzen, MN back in 2001. Yes that's right there is a city in Minnesota named Eitzen. It was an exciting visit to a small town population 229. Laugh. Kale loves the bunny ears though he can't manage to keep them on his head so they are more like a furry beard.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter Everybody!

We spent our Easter morning dying Easter Eggs and then we searched for our baskets. Kale found his basket pretty easily and loved his new Wooden Crane. In the evening we had a lovely ham and asparagus supper with decadent Hollandaise sauce. In between we enjoyed the sunshine and worked/played in the yard.

Setting up for egg dying.

Kale in his egg dying outfit (we think it is so ugly it will only be worn for such messy activities).

Butterfly Sticker anyone.

Here are our eggs, note the half eaten egg, Kale was perplexed by the concept of eggs on the table not being eaten and was pretty persistent in his signing of "eat eat eat.'

Monday, April 02, 2007

Story Time

When I wear skirts Kale likes to sit in the skirt between my legs. It creates a bouncy seat for him a few inches off the ground.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

After Tractor Walk

Kale wanted some milk before we headed off on a walk.

The park was in the flight path of the airport so a lot of time was spent looking up at the sky saying "Plee Plee" (which in Kale Speak means plane).

Kale is showing us a stick he found, but doesn't it look like he is rocking out.


We were down in Bellingham this weekend for Nichol's baby shower. Today she took us out to a park and Kale had a blast riding the giant tractors.

I was freaked that Kale would fall off the tractor but Keva made me back up out of the photo