Sunday, December 16, 2007
Big Boy Clothes
As I was rushing to get out of the house this morning Kale was in a contrary mood. He wanted to wear Daddy's coat and slippers instead of his coat and shoes. After I worked through my frustration I realized he was being pretty cute so I took some pictures before swooping him into his own clothes and heading out the door.
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11:20 p.m.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sad Tidings
Keva's Grandmother Helen passed away last weekend. We flew out to Virginia this week for the funeral and to spend a little bit of time with the family.Kale relaxing.
Kale chatting with his Papa Bill.
Grandma Arlene at Aunt Patty's house.
Posted by
11:13 p.m.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
We had some friends over for Chanukkah dinner tonight. There was, of course, way too much food.
All too hot for the toddlers.
Then we had problems getting the candles lit.
But we managed to say the prayers.
After dinner the boys worked off their sugar wrestling in the living room.
Posted by
11:09 p.m.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Even more snow today
The snow is still falling today and coating the stairs and house.
Kale made the trek to the barrel pond again today but it waa a little harder going for him.
The best part of the snow play today was the sled. We got it out of the basement and went for a walk, then we tried sliding down a lane near by. Kale loved it so we went walking and found a big hill. Kale's response to every trip down the hill was more more. We went out again in the afternoon with Margaret but the snow had gotten a bit wet and it wasn't as fun as the morning.
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11:05 p.m.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
First Winter Snow
We woke up to snow this morning, it was as if all we needed was the month of December for winter to happen.Kale was excited to put on his snow suit and fit his thumbs into mittens.
We headed straight to the barrel pond to see how thick the ice was. We drew pictures in the snow on top.Serious Daddy.
Swinging Mum and Toddler.
Kale was so into the snow that he wanted to go back out in it every time we came inside. Long after dark Kale was playing snow hockey and Keva and I were taking turns going inside to warm up.
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11:00 p.m.