Sunday, June 25, 2006
The Moskowitz Grandparents and Dog...
G & G Moskowitz stayed with us this weekend (they are currently homeless due to the sale of their house). We had a really good time chilling out and exploring our favourite spots in the city.Look at me chilling with Ginger like I do it every day.
If I could only get off moms lap, then I could get to the dog, yeah.
Grandma swinging Kale.
Posted by
9:59 p.m.
More Video Clips...
At the Grandparent Eitzen's request, we have a clip of Kale crawling:
And just for fun, a clip of Kale on the swing:
Posted by
9:42 p.m.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Summer Solstice at the Park
I decided I absolutely had to do something to honor the solstice today even though we didn't have any plans. So at around 3:30 or 4 I started leaving messages for people telling them we were picnicing at Trout Lake and they should come join us. I threw together a tasty (and quick) supper and we headed out to the park. It was a gorgeous evening, there were lots of people there and it felt festive. Kale crawled right into the lake and seemed to think that was pretty cool. (Though the lifeguard came and told us we had to put a diaper on him, sigh.)Only one other couple (and their baby girl) came so Kale got some baby time in.
Baby Alex loves to be walked so instead of crawling in the water like Kale she let me walk her around in the water. I am so glad Kale is a crawler because it is rough on the back to lean over all the time like that.
Posted by
9:52 p.m.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Happy Father's Day
Dear Daddy,
You have been the bestest papa ever. You hold me, bounce me to sleep, play with me, change me, bounce me to sleep, wiggle me, walk me, dance me, swing me, feed me, worry about me and of course love me. Here is a wheel barrow to make hauling me around a little easier.
Big Wet Kiss,
Dear Keva,
You have been the bestest papa to Kale ever and the most supportive parenting partner I could ever imagine. Never have you shyed away from our child even when it was 3:40 in the morning and he was screaming (after having been up at 1:20, 2:10, 2:30 and 3:05). You play with him so energetically and creatively that he adores you and you give me more rests and breaks than any other mother I know. Thank you for being Kale's daddy, he is so so lucky to have you.
Molly Mumma
PS - The weed whacker is a gift for you because I am volunteering to use it so you don't get covered in sneeze inducing grass.
Posted by
9:28 p.m.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Musical Men
Sometimes Keva likes to play guitar for us.
Sometimes Mommy can keep Kale distracted...
but most of the time he is right in there with the guitar.
Posted by
6:49 p.m.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Dr. Dave
Keva's cousin Dave graduate from Medical School this weekend at the University of Washington. We went down to celebrate and spend some time with him and his family. Keva's sister Robyn and her partner, Ryan, flew in as well. It was really nice to spend some time with family and play in Seattle. Thanks to Larry and Daria for sending us these fun photos. Keva, Kale, Bob (on cell), Molly, Dave, Daria, Jeff, Robyn, Ryan, Larry(behind camera)
Here is everyone right after the Hooding ceremony.Kale showing off his stylish new bib.
Kale stealing a sip of cousin Jeff's water.
Kale thinking.
BBQ at the lake. It was a bit rainy and windy so we needed tarps to be able to really sit comfortably.
Posted by
10:22 p.m.