Summer Solstice at the Park
I decided I absolutely had to do something to honor the solstice today even though we didn't have any plans. So at around 3:30 or 4 I started leaving messages for people telling them we were picnicing at Trout Lake and they should come join us. I threw together a tasty (and quick) supper and we headed out to the park. It was a gorgeous evening, there were lots of people there and it felt festive. Kale crawled right into the lake and seemed to think that was pretty cool. (Though the lifeguard came and told us we had to put a diaper on him, sigh.)Only one other couple (and their baby girl) came so Kale got some baby time in.
Baby Alex loves to be walked so instead of crawling in the water like Kale she let me walk her around in the water. I am so glad Kale is a crawler because it is rough on the back to lean over all the time like that.
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