Happy Father's Day
Kale and I took Keva out for Ham and Eggs in honor of father's day this morning. On our way back to the car from the restaurant we popped into a few stores and ended up purchasing a shiny red potty for Kale. We tried yellow and white chairs out first but he would only sit on the red one. When we got out of the sidewalk he wanted to sit on the potty, which we were all for, but then he wanted us to push him down the street on it. I ran to the car to stash the potty (since it didn't come with wheels) and the boys continued browsing. When Kale spotted me coming back he burst into tears and started sobbing 'potty potty' over and over again. He did calm down but on the drive home he clung to his potty even after falling asleep in the carseat. Please note, Kale is not trying to pooh in these pictures. That face is what he does when you ask him to smile for the camera.
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