Week 6
This has been our adventure week. Sunday morning we woke both boys really early and rushed out of the house to make the 8 AM ferry to Victoria. Cousin Elena had flown north to visit Uncle Conrad and Aunt Lisa so we thought we could make the short 3 hr journey for a quick visit.My three boys showing off on the ferry.
Kale was playing outside Conrad and Lisa's condo building when he ran up to us and told us he had been stung by a bee. He wasn't crying or upset but said his hand hurt. I searched for a bite mark but couldn't see anything. I told him the bee probably just bumped into him and sent him off to play. 20 minutes later as we are getting out of the car he tells us his hand still hurts. I take a second look and there is the bite mark and his hand has started swelling around the bite. I felt a bit guilty that we hadn't realized he had actually been stung/bit.
Here are the boys recovering from a bum change and a bee sting respectively.
From there we headed out to the Classic Car Show in Victoria. Here are Elena and Kale (and if you look closely the all important ice cream).
And there are Keva and George chatting with Lisa and Conrad.
After one overnight in Victoria we headed up island to Duncan and then over to a campground on the Cowichan River. For two nights we enjoyed this lovely river with a stellar swimming hole in the relative quiet of midweek. It went better than I could have imagined and both boys slept well in the tent. I think I actually had the most trouble sleeping because my thermarest got a hole and would lose its air halfway through the night.George letting us get some stuff done around camp.
Kale peeing on the edge of the campsite .
Me getting a chance to swim on my own in the deep pool (probably around 12 feet).
Chilling on the shore while Mummy swims.
We were looking at a crayfish here. Kale was quite wary of its pinchers even though it was on the bottom of the river.
I love the forced smile that comes out when the camera comes out.
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