The Halloween Round Up
Every time I asked Kale what he wanted to be for Halloween he gave me a different answer: Monkey, Truck, Six, Frog, etc etc. I decided to go with the truck idea, specifically fire truck, because I am a much more capable box painter and cutter than I am seamstress. Here is Kale walking into the EA Halloween party. He was excited to be wearing his costume and wanted to walk everywhere, albeit very slowly.
The EA party was just as over the top as last years. There were actors playing fairy tale characters everywhere and games at each station. Kale won stuffed animals and candy in large quantities. For me the best part was the fact that there were candy apples, Kale and I shared two!
The night before Halloween we carved our pumpkin. Kale was excited to pull the lid up but 100% unwilling to put his hand into the belly of the pumpkin. Good thing mum likes that slimy sensation.
On Halloween Night we headed out trick-or-treating with the neighbors. Kale was really into it. Apparently his shyness around strangers can be reduced with the prospect of candy. He got scared by the costumes of some older kids at one point and burst into tears but recovered quickly. He also enjoyed going to the door with me to give other people candy.
Kale checking out his loot while wearing his backup costume. We let him have at the candy and eat as much as he wanted. Three and a half small pieces into this candy fest he threw up all over the carpet. He then proceeded to eat the rest of the peanut m&ms he had been working on before we dragged him up to bed.
I am sure he took inventory of his bag though so I will be resisting the urge to sneak a piece or two.
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