Petting Zoos and Mall Trains
are what birthdays are made of.
Kale had been asking to go to the Petting Zoo again ever since hearing me talking to a friend about it so I thought it would be a good place for us to spend his birthday
morning.Once we made it there he wouldn't even get out of my arms. He didn't want to pet or look at the animals.
Grandma took some pictures of the animals so Kale could look at them later. He maintained he desire to leave the entire time we were there and wanted to go home or to the mall to ride the train.
Since it was his birthday we headed out to the train and he had a blast.
We even got a picture of the conductor (who sleeps in the mall in case you were wondering).
Then we hit the construction vehicle and grabbed a bubble tea before heading home.
EDIT: In the weeks since Kale's birthday he has talked about our trip to the petting zoo frequently. He is particularly vocal about Petunia the pig. It is amazing to me how much he is retaining from an experience even if it appears that he isn't into it at all.
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