Saturday, April 29, 2006

My Boys

These pictures are funny everyday shots of the boys goofing off. We were getting dressed to go to a baby swap meet (big garage sale of baby stuff, NOT an opportunity to trade babies.) We didn't find any baby gates or practical stuff but we bought a few fun novels (for much older kids) and had our planters repotted with fun new flowers for spring.

(Chubby Cheeks)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

After a long day in the sun

sometimes it is hard to fall asleep.

Kale and I were out for a late evening walk in the back yard. He was warm under the bathrobe but it didn't seem to induce sleep.


Keva has dressed my handsome photogenic son in a New York Yankees hat. EWWWW. We all know the Cleveland Indians are far superior. (For someone who doesn't give a hoot about baseball you would think I wouldn't have this reaction but what can I say I was raised to care.)

Friday, April 21, 2006

Mum and Baby Group

There were lots of babies in the house today. They played, drooled, ate, and even poo'd. I love this cluttered shot of the two Sadies having their bums freshened. I apologize to their future selves for putting this out for the world to see.

Kale took a nap for half of the baby group and when he came downstairs he needed a cuddle on my lap. Not quite sure if I am working something out of my teeth or feeling pensive. The exciting part of this picture is that there is laundry hanging outside for the first time this spring. I am hoping that the diapers will make it out there soon too. I can't imagine anything more beautiful than a line of drying diapers.

Sink Bath

All I can say is isn't he adorable. =) I love my NAKED BABY.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


While Grandma was visiting us in Vancouver we pulled up some new/old toys from the basement. These blocks are also rattles; in that they are filled with something that makes them quite noisy when shaken. We thought Kale might be ready for them but he was much more fascinated by the tray on wheels that they came with.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

One more Easter pic...

The outfit Kale is wearing was one of Keva's when he was a little boy and we thought it was rather Eastery. Undy er Grandma Kitch's hand is a little duck. The weather wasn't particularly sunny though so he had to wear a sleeper under it.

Happy Easter

This weekend Kale, Keva and I went to Victoria for the easter long weekend. Mom/Grandma was up visiting Conrad so we got to spend time with her and visit Cono in the hospital. It was amazing seeing Cono this time because he is looking more like himself. He doesn't have a trachea tube any more and so his face is all his again and he can even smile with half of it. No miracle recovery but slow gentle changes. He can move his right hand enough to get it up to his mouth (the drool is now out of luck) and can nod, shake his head and squeeze our hands to communicate. A big step up from blinking but still relatively limited.

In honour of the holiday we went to Butchard Gardens and walked through the tulips and then had Afternoon Tea. It was a fun way to celebrate Easter and as you can see in the pictures at first Kale thought his high chair was great and Tea was fun but as time went on he needed a little encouragement to stay happy (Mr. Binky).

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fun at the Park

For the past several weeks we have been taking Kale to the park down the street and swinging. He never liked the infant swing at home but he loves the one at the park. He smiles, giggles and laughs until he gets distracted by all of the other kids running around playing. Today we finally remembered a camera. Keva also took a great video which hopefully he will upload so you can all see our boy in action.

Solid Food or Mushy Avocado Toy You Be the Judge

Kale has all of the marks of a baby who is ready to try the world of food beyond breastmilk (over six months, sitting up, grabbing for our food etc.). He choose avocado as his first food and we let him have at it. There were chunks of avocado for him to play with, pureed avocado for us to feed him and lots of grimaces. We aren't actually sure if any of it got swallowed but he seemed to have fun playing with it.

Friday, April 07, 2006

More Swimming Pictures

Day 2 of swim lessons and Keva has a fever. We decided I should probably be in the in water parent which meant I had to dig out my swim suit (the maternity one from last summer doesn't quite fit any more). Kale was lacking in motivation to actually kick ~ he knew I would move him along ~ until the teacher brought out the rubber ducks. With that 'carrot' floating in front of him Kale would kick and kick and kick. Until the duck ended up in his mouth that is.....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Swim Lessons

Six months old and already swimming, Kale and Keva had their first swim lesson today and great fun was had by all.

Kale is doing his lesson at the newly renovated Killarney Pool. Not only is it ozonated rather than chlorinated but it has gorgeous views of the mountains and lots of slides, activities in the kids pool. Kale couldn't quite figure out how to kick and kept floating his legs up out of the water.

I had a great time taking pictures and watching the boys swim but am hoping I will be able to get in on the action at a later lesson. I guess I did my part by registering for the lessons. I waited in line for over an hour and didn't even get my first time slot choice. Here is to online registration for the next term...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Upside Down

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Silly Mirror

It took a silly mirror for Kale to fall in love with his own image...

April Fools

Grandpa Grandpa I wanna pay the bill (April Fools)

Grandma Arlene got the best baby blessing ever, Kale was willing to sleep in her arms. I love you grandma.