Beyond MAMA, DADA and BABY, which he figured out well before the one year mark Kale didn't seem to be much into verbal communication. (Keva swears Kale says HISH for fish but I have never heard it so can't attest to it). Sure he said MILK twice but they were separated by a week and we couldn't get him to repeat it after that. But both Keva and I heard it so it is listed as a spoken word.
For the past few weeks Kale has been saying CAAAT and CAAAW (hard to distinguish) the first for all furry moving critters (ferrets, dogs, cats and the like) with the second being aimed at birds (we do have blackbirds in the neighborhood). He even will say it when we hears the birds outside the window without seeing them.
Two weeks ago he started mimicking sounds. He wouldn't do it every day but he would have days where it felt like he was trying to repeat a lot of the words we were saying. He hadn't ever done that before so I thought it was promising.
This week he has been articulating words a bit more. When he is done eating we ask him if he is all done and make the sign for all done. He usually signs his agreement (or grabs more food). On Monday night we asked him per normal and he signed all done and then said ALL DONE. We were floored and wondered if he would say it again. He said it three more times in the bath tub that night but waited until today to say it again. He was ALL DONE with dinner, and later ALL DONE with his bath, and even later (when he should have been sleeping) he was ALL DONE nursing and wanted to mow the floor.
Yesterday he say BYE to clerk at the bookstore, as well as to Keva on the phone. Today when I asked him if he was ready to go outside after yoga he said OUTSIDE and I was able to get him to repeat it a few moments later.
Fun to watch the wheels turning.
i'm jealous, all Chloe will say is NO
That is so exciting!
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