Tuesday, December 13, 2005

10 Week Weight..

I went to the drop in at the health clinic on Commercial drive for the third time today. It feels like a much more cohesive group than the one closer to home and the nurse who leads it feels a lot warmer. I think I will continue going in the new year.

I weighed Kale today since it had been two weeks since the doctors visit and was a little worried by the result. He only weighed 15lb 6oz which is only 3 oz in 2 weeks. Well below normal weight gain. The nurse reassured me that weight gain slows down at around 4 months and I pointed out that he was only 2 months old. She said she still wouldn't be concerned he was obviously doing well.

I guess I am still concerned because nursing is still such a challenge, he fights the breast and is fussy so I worry that he is not getting enough and that is why he isn't gaining. I also worry because we spent 1.5 weeks of those 2 weeks working to reduce my milk supply on the advice of two lactation consultants and my midwives. I finally agreed because it was obvious he was gaining enough weight and as soon as I did he stopped gaining. So I am worried that we shouldn't have done that.

Kale has also been really fussy since recovering from his flu or whatever caused the fever and so I am feeling drained and tired which makes it hard to think constructively. Especially when his fussiness invovles not wanting to eat for more than 2 minutes ever 3 plus hours.

Deep Breathe - I know my baby is okay and I know that I am doing the best that could be done.


Leah said...

Sometimes it's hard being a parent. You never know if you are doing the right thing and get different advice from everyone. Just listen to yourself and to Kale. Babies can tell if you are worring. :) Kale is a nice healthy weight. You are doing a great job.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry things have been a little rocky for you and Kale of late - it takes a while for us to adjust to the needs of our wee ones, and for them to adjust to being in the world. I am sure he will tell you what he needs - babies are amazingly wise that way.

Our love and support to you all.